LADWP|NSBE Professionals Chapter Leadership

Executive Board
The President shall preside over all official meetings of the Chapter. He or she shall vote only in the case of a tie when presiding over meetings. This individual is also responsible for creating and distributing the agenda for the Leadership Committee meetings and General Body meetings.
Candidates who except the position of President shall serve as representative to the Region and to the National Society on behalf of LADWP-NSBE.
The President of LADWP-NSBE Shall serve as representative to other councils and organizations in the Los Angeles area that are in alignment with the mission, goals, and objectives of LADWP-NSBE, including the Los Angeles Council of Black Professional Engineers and other similar organizations.
Any LADWP-NSBE member who is voted as President shall appoint and remove all chairpersons and members of all committees, except where otherwise provided for in this document, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.
The President shall be responsible for reserving a location for each regular meeting and must oversee the activities of the Administrative Zone, the Community and STEM Outreach Zone, and the Engineering Diversity Coordinator.
It is the Presidents responsibility to nominate candidates for appointed positions for approval by the Executive Board
The position of President shall serve as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws of this Chapter and of the Regional and National Society.
Vice President
1. Shall serve within the Administrative Zone and as internal affairs manager of the Executive Board.
2. Shall serve as President Pro-Temp to preside in absence or inability of the President.
3. Shall vote only in the case of a tie when presiding over meetings when serving as President Pro-Temp
4. Shall require a monthly report of Chapter activities from each member of the Executive Board and Leadership Committee.
5. Shall perform related duties as required to maintain efficient functioning of the Executive Board and Leadership Committee.
The Secretary is elected to help the President and Vice President keep tabs on everything within the Administrative Zone.
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial management and accounting of the LADWP | NSBE organization. This includes the management of bank account and budget concerns..
Programs Chair
The Program Chair is elected to develop programs, events, and activities that will advance the goals and objectives of LADWP NSBE.
The Parliamentarian is to ensure that parliamentary procedures are observed and executed properly, ensuring LADWP | NSBE meetings are conducted in an open, orderly and organized manner.
Delegate (Power)
Delegate (Joint)
Delegate (At Large)
Sr. Chapter Advisor
Chapter Advisor
President Emeritus