Juneteenth Celebration with LADWP|NSBE
To all our LADWP|NSBE Family and Friends,
Join us inside the JFB Building’s Parking Lot for our 2022 JuneTeenth Special Celebration. There will be FOOD TRUCKS, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, and an overall GOOD TIME!
Food Trucks (11am – 2pm)
VooDooVegan – @voodooveganfood
Hook It Up - @hookitupfoodtruck
Billionaire Burger Boyz - @billionaireburgerboyz
Ceremony (1pm – 2pm)
Note: Flyer to be sent out

General Body Meeting
Reiko Kerr - Power System Senior Assistant General Manager is the Keynote Speaker. Simon Zewdu - Power System Director of Power Transmission Planning and Innovation Division and John Ziegler - LA Council of Black Professional Engineers will also be present and contributing to the meeting.

Racial Equity & The Black Experience
This was a two day event hosted by Ty Washington, Executive Assistant to the General Manager and Winifred Yancy, Interim Racial Equity Officer

The 33rd BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference
LADWP Recruitment from the 33rd BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference

Society of Women Engineers Brunch
Annual event hosted by the Society of Women Engineers. This meeting is to honor the contributions made by women engineers to the world of engineering

LADWP | NSBE Feed the Hungry
LADWP | NSBE and the local fire departments of Los Angeles team up to feed homeless LA residence and their families. LADWP | NSBE has been participating in this community event since it’s inception and has grown over the few months that it’s been in existance.

LADWP | NSBE Annual Meet & Greet
Non members and members alike are invited to this annual event to meet with LADWP | NSBE officials and members to discuss NSBE interests and gather information on NSBE recruits and NSBE progress